So if you're not that into horses, this one might be dull, but I'd like to comment on things from their point of view.
I try to think in a horsey way, limit (& open) myself to their understanding of what's going on - see things from their point of view.
For the first few days they want to go home, they know direction, they're used to doing a long circular ride & getting home at some point, but home is changing now, home represents food, water, security & that now happens at each stop, they like to have some expectation & know roughly whats going on.
Rayo is learning to eat whenever possible & I'm showing him how to snack on route!
As the end of the day comes & we're looking for a stop, Rayo might try a dash into a grassy terrace saying that'll do! He knows if I'm relaxed or dispondant about our night spot..
But there must be water.
The horses are beginning to enjoy the nomadic life, our herd moving on from grass to grass, water to water, they get grain in the mornings when we plan to move, not stay, this gives them energy & with this habit, expectation.
Like having a baby, life is almost simplified, as long as the horses are fine.. Nothing much else matters..
My relationship with Rayo is deepening & this is inevitable but particularly special as Rayo isn't a particularly human-loving horse. It's wonderful to notice some appreciation, respect, comradary & even love from him.
Of course one imagines the horses are also reading & learning about us.
You know, with a bit in their mouths, horses salivate, so whilst Rayo can be a difficult (very lively) ride in normal circumstances & requires a bit, on this journey, alot of the time he doesn't need it & I've noticed he needs to drink less.
On this trip so far
our boys have surpassed themselves - & most of us, in heart courage trust & generosity.
Oh! and there's lots of giving of carrots & apples which certainly help! 😋